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Castle interiors (Basic tour)

More information
Czech tour guide with english written text
  • Kategorie Price
  • Adults 25-65 years 180 CZK
  • Seniors 65+ 140 CZK
  • Youth 18-25 years 140 CZK
  • Persons with disabilities with valid identification 140 CZK
  • Children 6-18 years 50 CZK
  • Children under 6 years free
  • Person accompanying a disabled person free
  • Person accompanying a school group of 15 pupils/students free
  • Tour guide accompanying a group of at least 15 persons free
  • Free single NPÚ tickets free
  • Free family NPÚ tickets free
  • NPÚ-card free
  • „Náš člověk“-card* free
  • National Museum-card* free
  • ICOMOS-card* free
  • Journalist with press accreditation* free
  • * Offer available for cardholder only

reservation needed for groups only

From Baroque to Classicism (basic tour)

More information
Commentary in Czech
  • Kategorie Cena
  • Adults 80 CZK
  • Children aged 6-15, students aged 15-26, OAPs over 65, holders of a ZTP (a pass for the disabled) over 18 60 CZK
  • Family admission (maximum 2 adults and three children up to 15) 220 CZK
  • Children under 6, holders of a ZTP/P pass and ZTP/P guides, holders of a ZTP pass up to 18, holders of ICOM, ICOMOS and holders of National Heritage Institute ID cards and journalists after accreditation at the chateau administration are all free
Foreign Language Commentary
  • Kategorie Cena
  • Adults 160 CZK
  • Children aged 6-15, students aged 15-26, OAPs over 65, holders of a ZTP (a pass for the disabled) over 18 120 CZK
  • Family admission (maximum 2 adults and three children up to 15) 440 CZK
  • Children under 6, holders of a ZTP/P pass and ZTP/P guides, holders of a ZTP pass up to 18, holders of ICOM, ICOMOS and holders of National Heritage Institute ID cards and journalists after accreditation at the chateau administration are all free

reservation needed for groups only